Kristin Gedstad
Author, Former Mental Health Therapist
It's hard to ignore God when His command is so prominent and persistent. I would wake up at night with His instruction to "get up and write." And once I started the words kept flowing. I used to be the little girl in Sunday School whom they would have to bride with quarters to learn the 10 Commandments. Now I live my adult life listening to and treasuring the spiritual experiences I've been given through Him. Through these spiritual experiences in life I posed the question, "Why me?" Being an ordinary woman, that was the question I asked myself. Following the spiritual experiences in my own life and the miraculous healing of my vision. As
well as the Abbot who said, "Her life will never be the same." And it hasn't Working as a Marriage and Family*denotes required information/material. Therapist; prayerfully listening and encouraging my clients it provides me a unique perspective on the grace
God lavishes on all those who seek Him. As a good therapist would I reflect back, "Why not everyone?" One of my greatest blessings have been the births of my two daughters and becoming a grandmother later in life. And being thankful for all the benedictions given.
Book Coming Soon!
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